SRTM DEM and its application advances

The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) provides for the first time a near-global high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) with great advantages of homogeneous quality and free availability. The last 10 years or so have seen rapid advances in the data processing and applications of SRTM DEM. From the perspective of SRTM, we present in this article a brief overview of the principles, datasets, void filling and accuracy of SRTM DEM first. Special emphasis is on its application advances in various research fields including, but not limited to, geology, geomorphology, water resources and hydrology, glaciology, evaluation of natural hazards and vegetation surveys. Problems that arose from the applications and the future research interests are also addressed. We hope this study will greatly facilitate the ease of use of SRTM DEM in extensive fields.

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