Perineal hidradenitis suppurativa: presentation of two unusual complications and a review.

Two patients with advanced perineal hidradenitis suppurativa, complicated by fecal incontinence and squamous cell carcinoma, are presented. The first patient was a 58-year-old man who had a 30-year history of chronic recurring perianal abscesses and perineal sinuses. At the time of presentation, he had extensive perineal suppurative disease, and scarring and fixation of the anal sphincters with resultant fecal incontinence. He was treated with wide excision and skin graft closure. The second patient was a 27-year-old man with an 11-year history of recurrent gluteal abscesses and perineal sinuses. At the time of presentation, his inflammatory disease was only mildly active, but he had a nonhealing gluteal lesion. The nonhealing lesion was diagnosed as a squamous cell carcinoma and was managed with wide excision and primary closure. The inflammatory disease was excised and grafted. Complications of advanced hidradenitis suppurativa can be debilitating and life threatening. We review the etiology, pathophysiology, complications, and treatment options of hidradenitis suppurativa, including a literature review of the association with malignancy. We propose that the incidence of disabilities and complications may be reduced by early diagnosis and treatment, by emphasis on prevention of recurrence, and by more aggressive surgical intervention for recurrent and extensive disease.