Abstract : Contents: 1962 Progress and ASTRAC II project, by G. A. Korn, 20 Dec 62, ACL memo 59. A solid-state analog comparator for hybrid analog-digital comparators, by J. V. Wait and R. L. T. Hampton, 20 Jan 63, ACL memo 63R. A simple solid-state digital-to-analog converter for hybrid computing systems, by J. V. Wait and B. A. Mitchell, 10 Feb 63, ACL memo 61. An interpolation waveform generator for use in hybrid computing systems, by J. V. Wait, 11 Feb 63, ACL memo 64 (AD-416 386). Analog-hybrid storage and pulse modulation, by G. A. Korn, 30 Mar 63, ACL memo 67 (Trans. IEEE/PGEC, Aug 63). A hybrid/analog-digital one-parameter optimizer, by B. A. Mitchell, 8 Apr 63, ACL memo 69. Hybrid analog-digital random-noise generation, by R. Hampton, G. A. Korn, and B. Mitchell, Apr 63, ACL memo 71 (Trans. IEEE/PGEC, Aug 63). A nonsaturating transistor switch for analog/hybrid instrumentation and computers, by T. A. Brubaker, May 63, ACL memo 78. Simple integrator-input addition of hybrid variables, by E. P. O'Grady and J. V. Wait, Aug 63, ACL memo 82 (supplement to ACL memo 76).