Recent Progress in Stochastic Bifurcation Theory

We report on new results in stochastic bifurcation theory obtained in 1997 and 1998. These include: (i) a rather complete classification of the one-dimensional case by Crauel, Imkeller and Steinkamp, (ii) new insight into the stochastic Hopf bifurcation (made possible by the random version of the subdivision algorithm of Dellnitz et al.) by Keller and Ochs, (iii) a study of the stochastic Brusselator by Arnold, Bleckert and SchenkHoppe, (iv) Baxendale’s further studies of an SDE at a bifurcation point, (v) a new method of proving the existence of a random attractor for an SDE by transforming it into a random differential equation, by Imkeller and Schmalfus.