Mitigation of Streamer Noise Impact In Multicomponent Streamer Wavefield Reconstruction

where ρ is the density of the medium. It is known (Linden, 1959) that the crossline component of the pressure gradient, Py, gives an important contribution in recovering from the cross-line aliasing, allowing the multi-channel reconstruction in the crossline direction of the seismic pressure. The MIMAP technique (Multichannel Interpolation by Matching Pursuit, Vassallo et al., 2010), has been proposed to exploit the anti-aliasing potential of two-component seismic data, P and Py, in realistic acquisition settings. It has also been discovered that the combined use of pressure, crossline and vertical component of the pressure gradient, P, Py and Pz, gives even more benefit, as it allows joint-interpolation and 3D deghosting of severely aliased data (Ozbek et al., 2010). Ozbek et al. (2010) introduced Generalized Matching Pursuit (GMP) as a technique to achieve this. Both MIMAP and GMP rely on the combination of measurements of different nature: in this paper we describe how this combination needs to take into account the differences between the signals and the noise characteristics that are observed on multicomponent marine measurements.