Closed categories generated by commutative monads
The notion of commutative monad was denned by the author in [4]. The content of the present paper may briefly be stated: The category of algebras for a commutative monad can in a canonical way be made into a closed category, the two adjoint functors connecting the category of algebras with the base category are in a canonical way closed functors, and the frontand end-adjunctions are closed transformations. (The terms 'Closed Category' etc. are from the paper [2] by Eilenberg and Kelly). In particular, the monad itself is a 'closed monad'; this fact was also proved in [4]. In section 1 and henceforth, Y is a symmetric monoidal closed category; in this setting, the construction of the fundamental transformation k : (Afr\B)T -*• Ai\\(B)T can take place (rh denoting the inner hom-functor of Y, and T an arbitrary ^-endofunctor on Y). Some equations involving k are proved. These are used in sections 2 and 3 for the main construction. We shall stick to the terminology and notation of [4], which is the same as the terminology of [2] except that the hom-object of A and B is denoted A<\\B instead of (AB) or hom Y(A, B).
[1] S. Eilenberg,et al. Adjoint functors and triples , 1965 .
[2] G. M. Kelly,et al. A generalization of the functorial calculus , 1966 .
[3] A. Kock. Monads on symmetric monoidal closed categories , 1970 .