Undergraduate Seminars: The Poster Session Solution
Discussion and Conclusion. Although there are limitations in the data, respondents were distributed across many demographic variables. Thus, their responses are probably suggestive of typical responses for larger samples of students, but generalization of results beyond this'small group is not recommended. These respondents seemed to enjoy the puzzles. They were more motivated to learn and retained the material longer than they did during the first part of the quarter before puzzles were used. Also, post-test scores significantly differed from pretest comparisons at thep < .O1 level. All-in-all, crossword puzzles seem to be a promising tool for use in a variety of courses where key concepts must be paired with some other piece of information, for example, names and ideas. There are many possibilities for designing various types of crossword puzzles, limited only by the imagination of the creator. Not only are such puzzles useful in History of Psychology, where important dates, names and concepts must be learned, but such a technique could be used in other psychology, human development, sociology, and anthropology courses, as well as other substantive areas in the social sciences.