Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
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[10] R. Narasimhan,et al. Hecke's functional equation and the average order of arithmetical functions , 1961 .
[12] R. Narasimhan,et al. Functional equations with multiple gamma factors and the average order of arithmetical functions , 1962 .
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[14] A. Walfisz. Über die summatorischen Funktionen einiger Dirichletscher Reihen II , 1964 .
[15] Komaravolu Chandrasekharan,et al. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory , 1969 .
[16] B. Berndt. A note on the number of integral ideals of bounded norm in a quadratic number field , 1969 .
[17] E. Hecke. Vorlesungen Uber Die Theorie Der Algebraischen Zahlen , 1970 .
[18] K. Chandrasekharan,et al. Dirichlet series with functional equations and related arithmetical identities , 1973 .