Bioengineering of the skin : skin surface imaging and analysis

Anatomy of the Skin Surface. HARDWARE AND MEASURING PRINCIPLES. A: Image Analysis. The Laser-Scanning Confocal Microscope. D-Squame Adhesive Discs. Kawai's Method/Nitrocellulose Replica Method. The SkinVisiometer-A Photometric Device for theMeasurement of Skin Surface. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Analysis of Pigmentation of Human Skin (UV-Light Images). Polarized Light Photography of Human Skin. Use of Sebutape Assessed by Image Analysis to Measure Sebaceous Gland Activity. Image Analysisof Cyanoacrylate Follicular Biopsies. B: Profilometry. Laser Profilometry. Characterization of the Skin Surface by ISO-Parameters for Microtopography. GENERAL ASPECTS. Filter Mechanisms in the Description of Surface Topography. Tribology and the SkinSurface. Size and Shape of Corneocytes: Variation with Anatomic Site and Age. Comparison of Image Analysis with Profilometry. Comparative Studies of Scanning Electron Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL APPLICATIONS.Morphometry in Clinical Dermatology. Measurement of Human Hair Growth. Atopic Dermatitis and Other Skin Diseases. Skin Irritation: Objective Characterization in a Clinical Perspective. Dry Skin (Xerosis): Clinical Scoring and InstrumentalCharacterization. Differentiation between Nevocellular Nevi and Malignant Melanoma by Skin Roughness Parameters. PRODUCT TESTING. Effects of Detergents. Evaluation of Moisturizers. Assessment of Visual Signs of Skin Aging. Skin Atrophy Caused byCorticosteroids. INDEX.NTI/Sales CopyShelving GuideCategoriesDermatologySubcategoryBiomedical EngineeringAudienceo Cosmetic chemists and researcherso Dermatologistso Biomedical engineerso Skin pharmacologistso Radiologistso Biologists involved with skin and hairo Pharmaceutical researcherso University and medical school libraries/bookstoresContact Editor: P.P.