Generation of Floor Response Spectra including Equipment-Structure Interaction in Frequency Domain

Floor response spectra for dynamic response of subsystem such as equipment, or piping in nuclear power plants are usually generated without considering dynamic interaction between main structure and subsystem. This study describes the analytic method in which equipment response spectra can be obtained through dynamic analysis considering equipment-structure Interaction(ESI). In this method, dynamic response of the equipment by this method is based on a dynamic substructure method in which the equipment-structure system is partitioned into the single-degree-ol-freedom system(SDOF) representing the equipment and the equipment support impedance representing the dynamic charactenstics of the structure ai the equipment support. A family of equipment response spectra is developed by applying this method to calculate the maximum responses of a family of SDOF equipment systems with wide banded equipment frequency, damping ratio, and mass. The method is validated by comparing the floor response spectrum from this method with the floor response spectrum generated from the rigorous analysis including equipments on the containment building of a prototypical nuclear power plant. in order to Investigate ESI effect in the response of equipment, response values from the method and the conventional approach without considering ESI are compared for the equipment having the mass less than 1% of the total structural mass. Response spectra from the method showed lower spectral amplitudes than those of the conventional floor response spectra around controlling frequencies.