Digital automatic gain controller method and apparatus in bust mode optical receiver

The present invention proposes a transimpedance amplifier for burst-mode optical fiber for converting a differential output voltage signal, the current burst signal from the photodetector. A transimpedance amplifier is a multi-level digital automatic-gain-controlled by using the mechanism to quickly adapt to the burst amplitude myth is widely varying. By using the adaptive level sensing technique is a multi-level digital AGC implementation without the use of an ADC. Further, the transimpedance amplifier, uses a selective reset generation techniques to perform self-resetting after the high power bursts, burst mode operation is possible without the need for an external reset signal. According to these novel circuit techniques, a transimpedance amplifier chip size and suitable to be integrated with a photodetector within the TO-can, while maintaining the burst mode capability may have the best sensitivity. Passive Optical Network, an automatic gain control, the photo detector, the burst mode transimpedance amplifier, the dummy amplifier, a reset signal, a bottom level maintained.