Can a Low-Cost Webcam be Used for a Remote Neurological Exam?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating and axonal degenerative disease of the central nervous system. It is the most common progressive neurological disorder of young adults affecting over 1 million persons worldwide. Despite the increased use of neuroimaging and other tools to measure MS morbidity, the neurological examination remains the primary method to document relapses and progression in disease. The goal of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility and validity of using a low-cost webcam for remote neurological examination in home-setting for patients with MS. Using cross-over design, 20 MS patients were evaluated in-person and via remote televisit and results of the neurological evaluation were compared. Overall, we found that agreement between face-to-face and remote EDSS evaluation was sufficient to provide clinically valid information. Another important finding of this study was high acceptance of patients and their providers of using remote televisits for conducting neurological examinations at MS patient homes. The results of this study demonstrated potential of using low-cost webcams for remote neurological exam in patients with MS.