[Relations of sinusitis and primary glomerulonephritis].
Certain types of glomerulonephritis develop typically as the result of focal infection, and may recover following effective treatment of the infective focus at cause. Apart from the classical immunity mechanism consisting of the formation of immune complexes with the bacterial antigen, a major role for environmental allergens must also be evoked, as well as the probable existence of different immunity mechanisms at the origin of certain types of GN (mainly mesangial GN with IgA deposits and lipoid nephrosis). Invasion of the pulmonary allergen through a rhinosinusal route is responsible for a rhinosinusitis demonstrating a typical clinical features and course. Progression of the rhinosinusitis runs parallel with that of the GN. The course of the GN may be improved after treatment of the sinusitis and the allergic disposition. Ten particularly significant case-reports of GN associated with rhinosinusitis are studied from various aspects.