The basic helix-loop-helix protein upstream stimulating factor regulates the cardiac ventricular myosin light-chain 2 gene via independent cis regulatory elements

Previous studies have documented that 250 bp of the rat cardiac ventricular myosin light-chain 2 (MLC-2v) promoter is sufficient to confer cardiac muscle-specific expression on a luciferase reporter gene in both transgenic mice and primary cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells. Utilizing ligation-mediated PCR to perform in vivo dimethyl sulfate footprinting, the present study has identified protein-DNA interaction within the position from -176 to -165. This region, identified as MLE1, contains a core sequence, CACGTG, which conforms to the consensus E-box site and is identical to the upstream stimulating factor (USF)-binding site of the adenovirus major late promoter. Transient assays of luciferase reporter genes containing point mutations of the site demonstrate the importance of this cis regulatory element in the transcriptional activation of this cardiac muscle gene in ventricular muscle cells. The protein complex that occupies this site is capable of binding to HF-1a and PRE B sites which are known to be required for cardiac muscle-specific expression of rat MLC-2v and alpha-myosin heavy-chain genes, respectively. This study provides direct evidence that USF, a member of the basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper family, binds to MLE1, HF-1a, and PRE B sites and suggests that it is a component of protein complexes that may coordinately control the expression of MLC-2v and alpha-myosin heavy-chain genes. The current study also provides evidence that USF can positively and negatively regulate the MLC-2v gene via independent cis regulatory elements.

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