A Self-Organized Architecture for Efficient Service Discovery in Future Peer-to-Peer Online Social Networks

With the unprecedented growing information services in online social networks (OSNs), Internet users are increasingly struggling to keep pace with the sheer volume of massively unstructured social data being created online through information services on a daily base. However, most of OSNs are based on centralized client-server architecture which can easily suffer from problems such as performance bottleneck and vulnerability to the single point of failure in large-scale networks. Moreover, all the data and services are stored in the service providers' data center, users could lose control of their privacy and ownership of their own data. This visionary paper is to propose a novel self-organized architecture and supporting mechanisms for efficient service discovery in next-generation peer-to-peer (P2P) online social networks which enables dynamic interaction, collaboration, social information sharing and discovering and improve the scalability, availability and efficiency of current centralized OSNs. In the architecture, users have more control over their own private information and have better access to the social network services online and offline.

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