Perancangan Alat Pemberi Makan Ikan Koki Secara Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler

Hobby to take care of goldfish like this time is not easy, need more care to feed them and give them medicine. But, many people don't have enough time to take care of goldfish and forget to feed them. So, this project is purposed for helping people whi have hobby to take care of goldfish but don't have enough time. DC motor is used to open gate feeder and giving medicine, temperature sensor for measuring the temperature of water, water circulation sensor to detect the circulation stop or not, water density sensor to know densisty of water from aquarium, RTC to clock counter, accu and the last is memory to keep data. All of this component is controlled by microcontroller AT89S51. This paper is published in Prosiding SNTI 2008 Volume 5 No. 1 Tahun 2008, ISSN : 1829 – 9156