Monitoring of Radiofrequency Radiation from Selected Mobile Phones

Investigation of possible presence of radiofrequency radiations from mobile at distance not less than 20cm was carried out within Covenant University, Ota, using ten different handsets. Radiation measurement was carried out using a cell sensor manufactured by Action Electronic, USA that is optimized to measure radiofrequency a nd extremely l ow frequency ra diation. T he average power d ensity from the h andsets was 0.10mW/cm2 and 0.45mW/cm2 with highest value from both NOKIA 1100 and SAGEM My X5 a nd l owest from SAG EM My X1 a t distance not less than 20cm. These results show that th ose using handsets a re exposed to radiation beyond the background levels b ut ar e within the limit set by the Fe deral Communication C ommission (F. C.C).