Towards Behavior-Aware Model Learning from Human-Generated Trajectories

Inverse reinforcement learning algorithms recover an unknown reward function for a Markov decision process, based on observations of user behaviors that optimize this reward function. Here we consider the complementary problem of learning the unknown transition dynamics of an MDP based on such observations. We describe the behavior-aware modeling (BAM) algorithm, which learns models of transition dynamics from user generated state-action trajectories. BAM makes assumptions about how users select their actions that are similar to those used in inverse reinforcement learning, and searches for a model that maximizes the probability of the observed actions. The BAM algorithm is based on policy gradient algorithms, essentially reversing the roles of the policy and transition distribution in those algorithms. As a result, BAM is highly flexible, and can be applied to continuous state spaces using a wide variety of model representations. In this preliminary work, we discuss why the model learning problem is interesting, describe algorithms to solve this problem, and discuss directions for future work.

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