In this paper, we propose a support system for hearing impaired person who attends a small meeting in which other members are hearing people. In such a case, to follow a discussion is difficult for him/her. To solve the problem, the system is designed to show what members are speaking in real time. The system consists of tablet devices and a PC as a server. The PC equips speech recognition software and distributes the recognized results to tablets. The main feature of this system is a method to correct initial speech recognition results that is considered not to be perfectly recognized. The method is handwriting over the tablet device written by meeting members themselves, not by supporting staffs. Every meeting member can correct every recognized result in any time. By this means, the system has possibility to be low cost hearing aids because it does not require extra support staffs.
Wolfgang L. Zagler,et al.
Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 12th International Conference, ICCHP 2010, Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2010, Proceedings, Part II
Masayuki Kobayashi,et al.
Support Technique for Real-Time Captionist to Use Speech Recognition Software