In this paper, we prove the results announced in [L-R] for G = SLn. Let G be a simple algebraic group over the base field k. Let M be a maximal torus in G and B, a Borel subgroup, B ⊃ M. Let W be the Weyl group of G. For w ∈ W, let X(w) = \(\overline {BwB} \) (mod B) be the Schubert variety in G/B associated to w. Let L be an ample line bundle on G/B. We shall denote the restriction of L to X(w) also by just L. Let k[X(w)] = ⊙ H0(X(w),L). In this paper, we construct an algebra kq [X(w)] over k(q), where q is a parameter taking values in k*, as a quantization of k[X(w)], G being SLn. The algebra k q [SL n ]: Let G = SLn. Let T = (tij), 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n. Let Let
$$R = \sum\limits_{\mathop {i \ne j}\limits_{i,j = 1} }^n {{e_{ii}}} { \otimes _{jj}} + q\sum\limits_{i \ne i}^n {{e_{ii}}} \otimes {e_{ii}} + \left( {q - {q^{ - 1}}} \right)\sum\limits_{1j < in} {{e_{ij}}} \otimes {e_{ji}}$$
(here, eij’s are the elementary matrices). Let A(R) be the associative algebra (with 1) generated by {tij, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n}, the relations being given by RT1T2 = T2T1R, where T1 = T ⊗ Id, T2 = Id ⊗ T (cf. [F-R-T]). Then A(R) gives a quantization of k[Mn], Mn being the space of n × n matrices and k[Mn], the coordinate ring of Mn. Now A(R) has a bialgebra structure, then comultiplication being given by Δ: A(R) → A(R) ⊗ A(R), \(\Delta = \left( {{t_{ij}}} \right) = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^n {{t_{ik}}} \otimes {t_{kj}}\) In the sequel, we shall denote A(R) by kq [Mn]. Let
$$D = \sum\limits_{\sigma \in {s_n}}^n {{t_{ik}}} {\left( { - q} \right)^{ - l{{\left( \sigma \right)}_t}}}1\sigma {\left( 1 \right)^t}2\sigma {\left( 2 \right)^{...}}n\sigma \left( n \right)$$
. we shall refer to D as the q-determinant (or the quantum determinant) of (tij).
G. Lusztig.
Quantum deformations of certain simple modules over enveloping algebras
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Non-Standard Quantum Deformations of GL(n) and Constant Solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equation
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Quantization of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
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Aq-difference analogue of U(g) and the Yang-Baxter equation
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Some Enumerative Results in the Theory of Forms
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
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q-Weyl group and a multiplicative formula for universalR-matrices
M. Hochster.
Grassmannians and their Schubert subvarieties are arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay
M. Rosso.
Finite dimensional representations of the quantum analog of the enveloping algebra of a complex simple Lie algebra