The "Severe Fuel Damage" (SFD) experiments of the Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (KfK), Federal Republic of Germany, were carried out in the out-of-pile facility "CORA" as part of the international Severe Fuel Damage (SFD) research. The experimental program was set up to provide information on the failure mechanisms of Light Water Reactor (LWR) fuelelements in a temperature range from 1200°C to 2000°C and in a few cases up to 2400°C. Between 1987 and 1992 a total of 17 CORA experiments with two different bundle configurations, Le, PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) and 8\,NR (Boiling Water Reactor) bundles were performed. These assemblies represented fuel elements ofthe type used in Western countries with the pertinent materials for fue!, c1adding, grid spacer, absorber rod. At the end of the experimental program two WER-1000 specific tests were run in the CORA facility with identical objectives but with genuine VVER-type materials. The experiments, designated CORA-W1 and CORA-W2 were conducted on February 18, 1993 and April 21, 1993, respectively. Test bundle CORA-W1 was without absorber material whereas CORA-W2 contained one absorber rod (boron carbideisteeI). As in the earlier CORA tests the test bundles were subjected to temperature transients of a s!m,AJ heatup rate in a steam environment. The transient phases of the tests were initiated with a temperature ramp rate of 1 K/s. With these conditions a so-ca lied small-break LOCA was simulated. The temperature escalation due to the exothermal zirconium/niobium-steam reaction started at about 1200°C, leading the bundle to a maximum temperature of approximately 1900°C. The thermal response of bundle CORA-W2 is comparable to that of CORA-W1. In test CORA-W2, however, the temperature front moved faster from the top to the bottom as compared to test CORA-W1. The reason for this behavior may be an earlier melt formation and relocation of the absorber rod material in CORA-W2. With the movement of the melt also heat is transported to the lower region. Below 300 mm elevation the test bundle remained intact due to the axial temperature distribution. An essential portion of the absorber melt has resolidified at about 200 mm, Le. at the second grid spacer, where a partial flow blockage had formed. The absorber rod and its pertinent guide tube have failed at ca. 200 mm, Le. above this elevation the absorber rod is missing. Bundle CORA-