Signal Processing and its Applications
Signal processing for linear instrumental systems with noise - a general theory with illustrations from optical imaging and light scattering problems, M. Bertero and E.R. Pike boundary implication results in parameter space, N.K. Bose sampling of bandlimited signals - fundamental results and some extensions, J.L. Brown Jr localization of sources in a sector - algorithms and statistical analysis, K. Buckley and X-L Xu the signal subspace direction-of-arrival algorithm, J.A. Cadzow digital differentiators, S.C. Dutta Roy and B. Kumar VLSI in signal processing, A. Ghouse constrained beam forming and adaptive algorithm, L.C. Godara bispectral speckle interferometry to reconstruct extended objects from turbulence-degraded telescope images, D.M. Goodman et al multi-dimensional signal processing, K. Hirano on the assessment of visual communication, F.O. Huck et al VLSI implementations of number theoretic concepts with applications in signal processing, G.A. Jullien et al decision-level neural net sensor fusion, R.Y. Levine and T.S. Khuon statistical algorithms for non-causal Gauss Markov fields, J.M.F. Moura and N. Balram subspace methods for directions-of-arrival estimation, A. Paulraj et al closed form solution to the estimates of directions of arrival using data from an array of sensors, C.R. Rao and B. Zhou high-resolution direction-finding, S.V. Schell and W.A. Gardner multiscale signal processing techniques - a review, A.H. Tewfik et al sampling theorens and wavelets, G.G. Walter image and video coding research, J.W. Woods fast algorithms for structured matrices in signal processing, A.E. Yagle.