Automating the Development of High-Performance Multigrid Solvers

The purpose of a domain-specific language (DSL) is to enable the application programmer to specify a problem, or an abstract algorithm description, in his/her domain of expertise without being burdened by implementation details. The ideal scenario is that the implementation detail is added in an automatic process of program translation and code generation. The approach of domain-specific program generation has lately received increasing attention in the area of computational science and engineering. In this paper, we introduce the new code generation framework Athariac. Its goal is to support the quick implementation of a language processing and program optimization platform for a given DSL based on stepwise term rewriting. We demonstrate the framework’s use on our DSL ExaSlang for the specification and optimization of multigrid solvers. On this example, we provide evidence of Athariac’s potential for making domain-specific software engineering more productive.

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