Conocimiento en accion: asignacion de recursos a familias carentes mediante la aplicación de un algoritmo genético - Proyecto Koinonia
The Project Koinonia arises as initiative of Caritas of Tandil's parish, Buenos Aires, Argentine, and it has as aim create a set of management tools and helps to the capture of decisions in the social action that realizes the above mentioned institution.In his to gesticulate, Caritas provides a handbag of monthly food to a set of needy families.Given this evidence actually make the problem of efficient allocation of available goods to form a pocket of food that meets the most current needs of each family.This paper considers the application of a genetic algorithm whose principles were established by Holland (1975) and respond to natural selection described by Darwin (1859) with the variant that each individual is a family group and each requirement is implemented as skills that individuals have. In this way individuals compete for resources and resolve the problem of allocating them with adaptive methods of search and optimization.