Marangoni effect in refractory slag line dissolution

513 The Marangoni effect plays a significant role in slag line corrosion of refractories. Previous experimental studies for various refractory Islag systems and mathematical models are reviewed and show that Marangoni flow is important in stag line corrosion under static conditions. Recent work by the authors is presented which also shows significant slag-line corrosion of MgO refractory in Si02-CaO-FeOx-MgO slag. The rate of attack of the MgO was marginally slower in the case of slags containing alumina. A semi-empirical model developed by Erma ba<;ed on mass transfer control described reasonably well the observed progression of corrosion with time. Further work is proposed to evaluate this modeL Advances in R~rractoric.'l for the MdallurgicDllndu.~trie,1 IV Fourth Internatiunal Sympusium 43'" Annual Confcrcnce or Meral lurgists of elM Hamolto!1, OrH;lrlO, Cana