Mapper Lithography has introduced its first product, the FLX–1200, which is installed at CEA-Leti in Grenoble (France). This is a mask less lithography system, based on massively parallel electron-beam writing with high-speed optical data transport for switching the electron beams. This FLX platform is initially targeted for 1 wph performance for 28 nm technology nodes, but can also be used for less demanding imaging. The electron source currently integrated is capable of scaling to 10 wph at the same resolution performance, which will be implemented by gradually upgrading the illumination optics. The system has an optical alignment system enabling mix-and-match with optical 193 nm immersion systems using standard NVSM marks. The tool at CEA-Leti is in-line with a Sokudo Duo clean track. Mapper Lithography and CEA-Leti are working in collaboration to develop turnkey solution for specific applications. At previous conferences we have presented imaging results including 28nm node resolution, cross wafer CDu of 2.5nm 3 and a throughput of half a wafer per hour, overhead times included. At this conference we will present results regarding the overlay performance of the FLX-1200. In figure 2 an initial result towards measuring the overlay performance of the FLX-1200 is shown. We have exposed a wafer twice without unloading the wafer in between exposures. In the first exposure half of a dense dot array is exposed. In the second exposure the remainder of the dense dot array is exposed. After development the wafer has been inspected using a CD-SEM at 480 locations distributed over an area of 100mm x 100mm. For each SEM image the shift of the pattern written in the first exposure relative to the pattern written in the second exposure is measured. Cross wafer this shift is 7 nm u+3s in X and 5 nm u+3s in Y. The next step is to evaluate the impact of unloading and loading of the wafer in between exposures. At the conference the latest results will be presented.