Detection of intraocular tumors with radioactive phosphorus; a preliminary report with special reference to differentiation of the cause of retinal separation.

IN RECENT studies, we have found that measurement of the uptake of radioactive phosphorus in tumor tissue can be applied as a valuable test to aid in the diagnosis of intraocular tumors in cases in which the clinical ophthalmologic evidence as to the cause of retinal separation is not conclusive. This test to date has been used in eight cases of possible tumor and has proved fairly successful. Because of the definite, although unexploited, value of the test, and because of the relatively small number of tumors which are seen, it was decided that a preliminary report should be submitted at this time. BACKGROUND The use of radioactive material for the localization of tumors has assumed increasing importance in recent years. In 1946, Low-Beer1proposed the use of radioactive phosphorus in diagnosis and localization of breast tumors. Moore and associates2noted a consistent affinity of brain tumors for