ESA and EUMETSAT have initiated joint preparatory activities for the formulation and definition of the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) geostationary system to ensure the continuity and improvement of the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) system. The MTG will become the new system to be the backbone of the European operational meteorological services from 2015, in particular, will ensure the continuation of the imagery missions. The first phases were devoted to the definition and consolidation of end user requirements and priorities in the field of Nowcasting and Very Short Term Weather Forecasting (NWC), Medium/Short Range global and regional Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), Climate and Air Composition Monitoring and to the definition of the relevant observation techniques. The following missions have been analysed and preliminary concepts studied: - High Resolution Fast Imagery Mission (successor to MSG SEVIRI HRV mission) - Full Disk High Spectral Resolution Imagery Mission (successor to the mission of other MSG-SEVIRI channels) - Lightning Imagery Mission - IR Sounding Mission - UV-VIS-NIR Sounding Mission After pre-phase A mission studies (2003-2006), where preliminary instrument concepts were investigated allowing in the same time to consolidate the technical requirements for the overall system study, a phase A study on MTG has been launched at the beginning of February 2007 for the space segment system feasibility and programmatic aspects to be accomplished during 2007-2008 time frame. The space segment phase A study will cover all elements to the level of details allowing to conclude on the feasibility of the system and to produce cost estimates with a good level of confidence. This paper addresses an overview of the outcome of the MTG space segment progress (spacecraft concept, payload preliminary design studies) accomplished in the frame of the phase A. It namely focuses onto the Imaging and IR Sounding Missions, highlights the platform and resulting instrument concepts, establishes the critical technologies and introduces the study progress towards the implementation of the MTG development programme.