Gravity driven counterflow through an open door in a sealed room

Abstract Flow measurements using tracer gas techniques were made on the exterior doorway of a test house for indoor-outdoor temperature differences of 0.5–45 K. The time for door opening and closing was constant at 3.75 s, and fully open hold time varied from 0.5 s to 120 s. Predictions of a variable density steady flow model were in good agreement with the measurements when adjustments were made for the time-varying size of the opening and for the effect of cross-stream mixing between the incoming and outgoing air streams. The flow rate is shown to be governed by an effective density very close to the average of inflow and outflow densities, and the control condition at the doorway is fixed by the jet-like behavior of the inflow stream. Dependence of cross-stream mixing on interfacial stability caused the orifice and coefficient to increase from 0.4 to 0.6 as temperature difference increased. This varying orifice coefficient is well represented by the combination of a discharge coefficient for streamline contraction combined with a mixing coefficient which accounts for mixing between the inflow and outflow.