Single-cell lineage tracing reveals hierarchy and mechanism of adipocyte precursor maturation

White adipose tissue is crucial in various physiological processes. In response to high caloric intake, adipose tissue may expand by generating new adipocytes. Adipocyte precursor cells (progenitors and preadipocytes) are essential for generating mature adipocytes, and single-cell RNA sequencing provides new means to identify these populations. Here, we characterized adipocyte precursor populations in the skin, an adipose depot with rapid and robust generation of mature adipocytes. We identified a new population of immature preadipocytes, revealed a biased differentiation potential of progenitor cells, and identified Sox9 as a critical factor in driving progenitors toward adipose commitment, the first known mechanism of progenitor differentiation. These findings shed light on the specific dynamics and molecular mechanisms underlying rapid adipogenesis in the skin.

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