"Reengineering a major line-of-business system can be likened to changing a tire on a moving vehicle." Intro • Proliferation of CASE tools in the last 10 years • Reengineering tool proliferation has been minimal • Automated support for reengineering is worse-especially when we talk about transforming code to new functionality. • Largest problem in reengineering tools is the lack of customizability • Article describes experience in applying a new enabling technology to automate reengineering of a legacy MIS system. • Project lasted 4 ½ months • Developed and alpha-tested a 40KLOC COBOL application • Previous experience indicated > 20 man-weeks to reengineer a 15KLOC program by hand, this project reduced that effort to 4 man hours Body • This paper describes the project in somewhat boring detail, discussing the following areas: • The Boeing Payroll Modularization Project-a description of the project and its management and processes. • The Critical Modularization Tasks-a description of the process used to make modularization decisions • Technical Approach-how they used the technology to build a custom reengineering environment. • Software Refinery-a description of the reengineering tool development environment • Using the Modularization Tool-a description of the environment and an example of its application to the problem • Results-a description of the end results of the project. No general conclusions were drawn. • Future Development-a description of then future areas in which Boeing planned to use the tools.
Erich B. Buss,et al.
Experiences in program understanding
Allen Goldberg,et al.
Applications of feasible path analysis to program testing
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Recovering reusable components from legacy systems by program segmentation
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Assessing design-quality metrics on legacy software
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Reverse engineering of user interfaces
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Cobol: A Guide to Structured, Portable, Maintainable, and Efficient Program Design
Robert W. Schwanke,et al.
An intelligent tool for re-engineering software modularity
[1991 Proceedings] 13th International Conference on Software Engineering.
Alfred V. Aho,et al.
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Addison-Wesley series in computer science / World student series edition.