Four Atypical Parathyroid Adenomas Detected by Dual Phase Tc-99m MIBI SPECT

We report a case of a 55-year-old female with tertiary hyperparathyroidism and osteoporosis who had end stage renal disease and a history of hemodialysis for 15 years. Patient’s informed is taken. Neck ultrasonography showed multinodular goiter together with a hypoechoic lesion compatible with a parathyroid adenoma. Dual phase technetium (Tc) Tc-99m MIBI single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) showed pathological uptake in four parathyroid gland locations. Total thyroidectomy and subtotal parathyroidectomy revealed nodular hyperplasia and atypical adenomas in four parathyroid glands. Atypical parathyroid adenoma is a rare clinical entity. Multiple atypical adenomas are even less frequent. A very rare condition, detection of atypical adenomas in four of the parathyroid glands by dual phase Tc-99m MIBI SPECT, is presented in this case.