A Function Level Randomization Technique to Mitigate ROP Attacks

ROP (Return-Oriented Programming) is a kind of attack technique which makes use of the existing binary code of target systems. ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) is widely used to protect systems from buffer-overflow attacks by introducing artificial diversity to software. With ASLR software can be immune from ROP attacks to some extent. Due to the fact that ASLR cant randomize base addresses of executables code segments and its utility on 32-bit architectures is limited by the number of bits available for address randomization, attackers can successfully exploit a target system by using brute force in limited time. Thus, we proposed FLR, a function level randomization technique to mitigate ROP attacks. FLR randomly permutes functions in executables, making attackers assumptions on executables incorrect. We implemented a prototype of FLR and randomized ten executables. ROP attacks succeeded without FLR and failed with FLR.

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