Mathematical Modeling of Loop Heat Pipes with Multiple Evaporators and Multiple Condensers

†Loop Heat Pipes (LH Ps) have proven themselves as reliable and robust heat transport devices for spacecraft thermal control systems. So far, the LHPs in earth -orbit satellites perform very well as expected. Conventional LHPs usually consist of a single capillary pump for he at acquisition and a single condenser for heat rejection. Multiple pump/multiple condenser LHPs have shown to function very well in ground testing. Nevertheless, the test results of a dual pump/condenser LHP also revealed that the dual LHP behaved in a complicated manner due to the interaction between the pumps and condensers. Thus it is redundant to say that more research is needed before they are ready for 0 -g deployment. One research area that perhaps compels immediate attention is the analytical mod eling of LHPs, particularly the transient phenomena. Modeling a single pump/single condenser LHP is difficult enough. Only a handful of computer codes are available for both steady state and transient simulations of conventional LHPs. No previous effort was made to develop an analytical model (or even a complete theory) to predict the operational behavior of the multiple pump/multiple condenser LHP systems. The current research project offered a basic theory of the multiple pump/multiple condenser LHP o peration. From it, a computer code was developed to predict the LHP saturation temperature in accordance with the system operating and environmental conditions.