Queuing method for routing packets in a row

Output queuing method for forwarding packets in a switching network, said switching network comprising a plurality of ports, each corresponding to a port output queue, a global output queue, which is shared by all the output port queues and a plurality of FIFO blocks (FIFO: First In First Out) comprising which are assigned to all the output port queues and the global output queue, each of the FIFO blocks Nb (a natural number) FIFO node and a pointer, wherein each FIFO nodes comprises a first field and a second field, wherein the output queuing method comprising : Receiving a packet and determining the type and the destination port of the received packet to queue a FIFO associated with the received packet in a node output queue of the global output queue and the port output queues; if the received packet is unicast, setting the first and the second field of a unicast FIFO node in the output port queue of the destination port, the unicast FIFO node as ...

[1]  Alberto Leon-Garcia,et al.  A multicast single-queue switch with a novel copy mechanism , 1998, Proceedings. IEEE INFOCOM '98, the Conference on Computer Communications. Seventeenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Gateway to the 21st Century (Cat. No.98.