Investigations on the high temperature compatibility of various adhesion layers for platinum

In this paper we report on the high temperature compatibility of various adhesion layers for plat inum (Pt ) thin films. We investigated different adhesion layers, such as titanium (Ti), tantalum (Ta), aluminium nitride (AlN), aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and titanium oxide (TiO2). All films were deposited on SiO2/Si substrate by using the sputter technique. After deposition the films were annealed in air at 800°C for different time lengths up to 16 h ours. After annealing, Al2O3 and TiO2 showed a dense oxide layer between Pt and SiO2/Si and they seem to be suitable as adhesion layers for Pt at high temperatures. AlN is not suitable as adhesion layer for Pt at high temperatures. Ti and Ta are also not suitable for high temperatures, diffusing strongly into Pt layers and leading to the format ion of oxide precipitates (TiOx or TaOx) in the Pt grain boundaries. In addition, the format ion of Pt-crystallites (hillocks) on the surface was common in all the films.