High-resolution scanning Hall probe microscopy
A high resolution scanning Hall probe microscope is used to spatially resolve vortices in high temperature superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+(delta) crystals. We observe a partially ordered vortex lattice at several different applied magnetic fields and temperatures. At higher temperatures, a limited amount of vortex re-arrangement is observed, but most vortices remain fixed for periods long compared to the imaging time of several hours even at temperatures as high as 75 degree(s)K (the superconducting transition temperature for these crystals is approximately 84 degree(s)K). A measure of these local magnetic penetration depth can be obtained from a fit to the surface field of several neighboring vortices, and has been measured as a function of temperature. In particular, we have measured the zero temperature penetration depth and found it to be 275 +/- 40 nm.