A Validation Study of the Computer Literacy Examination: Cognitive Aspect

AbstractThis study presents a validation procedure for Computer Literacy Examination: Cognitive Aspect (CLECA). Thirty-nine multiple-choice questions were written to test students' general knowledge about computers. Ninety-five high school students were selected as the sample for this study. Students were given CLECA twice during the 1983 Fall semester. A total of 95 responses were included in the item analysis. Seven items not meeting the selection criteria were removed from the test. The mean score was 15.59 on the 32-item test, standard deviation of 6.80, and internal consistency reliablity value of .87. The test-retest reliability of .90 was obtained based on 67 pairs of scores. CLECA has now reached the operational stage and appears to be useful for assessing high school students' cognitive knowledge about computers.