Improving resource allocation performance in mobile ad hoc grid with mobility prediction

Considering advance requirement of computational resources while nodes connect to the network in mobile and wireless manner, a mobile ad hoc grid could be a solution of resolving daily complex problem. The goal of resource allocation scheme in mobile ad hoc grid is to allocate appropriate resources for the tasks. Resource allocation performance plays a key role due to its impact to the overall system performance. Faulty selections of appropriate resources results in unfinished tasks. One basic challenge in mobile ad hoc grid is variation of node's mobility. As the natural characteristic of mobile ad hoc network, every node is freely moving according to its requisite. Members of mobile ad hoc grid change dynamically due to the node's mobility. In their movement, some nodes, which have to accomplish some tasks, might not be able to reach the grid before completing the task. In this research, we propose a method to increase the performance of the resource allocation for mobile ad hoc grid. The selection of resource nodes considers the mobility of the grid members. The tasks will only be allocated to resource nodes that have corresponding mobility with the requesting node. With this procedure, accumulative application completing time could be reduced because tasks failure could be minimized.