The regional whole blood program in San Antonio, TX: A 3‐year update on prehospital and in‐hospital transfusion practices for traumatic and non‐traumatic hemorrhage

Low titer type O Rh‐D + whole blood (LTO + WB) has become a first‐line resuscitation medium for hemorrhagic shock in many centers around the World. Showing early effectiveness on the battlefield, LTO + WB is used in both the pre‐hospital and in‐hospital settings for traumatic and non‐traumatic hemorrhage resuscitation. Starting in 2018, the San Antonio Whole Blood Collaborative has worked to provide LTO + WB across Southwest Texas, initially in the form of remote damage control resuscitation followed by in‐hospital trauma resuscitation. This program has since expanded to include pediatric trauma resuscitation, obstetric hemorrhage, females of childbearing potential, and non‐traumatic hemorrhage. The objective of this manuscript is to provide a three‐year update on the successes and expansion of this system and outline resuscitation challenges in special populations.

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