A broadband frequency-tripling scheme for an Nd:glass laser-based chirped-pulse amplification system: an approach for efficiently generating ultraviolet petawatt pulses

We propose and numerically demonstrate a broadband frequency-tripling scheme for an Nd:glass laser-based chirped-pulse amplification system at 1053 nm. On the basis of the frequency mixing of a broadband chirped pulse with a narrowband laser pulse, the tripling scheme can support a bandwidth as large as 5 nm by alleviating the effects of the group-velocity mismatch involved, and it can be applied to generate ultraviolet petawatt (PW) pulses from a typical Nd:glass petawatt laser system. Both the energy of the ultraviolet pulse and the tripling efficiency (>80%) are boosted by an additional narrowband fundamental laser. The ultraviolet pulse generated can be compressed to a duration shorter than that of the initial Nd:glass PW pulse and its peak power can be increased to 2.5 times that of the Nd:glass PW pulse.

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