Exercise Induced Sympathetic Influences Do Not Change Interatrial Conduction Times in VDD and DDD Pacing

Using telemetry, right atrial electrogram (RA), and marker channel of atrial sense events (MA) in combination with the left atrial electrogram (LA), recorded by a filtered bipolar esophageal lead, interatrial conduction during submaximal exercise and at rest was examined in 46 DDD pacemaker patients. The RA‐LA and MA‐LA conduction times measured in the presence of atrial sensing (VDD) as well as the conduction time SA‐LA from atrial stimulus (SA) to LA, determined during atrial pacing (DDD) were found to be individual constants independent of exercise induced sympathetic influences. Thus, having determined an optima! mechanical interval (LA‐LV)mech/opt from left atrium to ventricle by other methods, the optimal AV delay for DDD as well as for VDD operation can be calculated by the sum of the appropriate interatrial conduction time (SA‐LA, respectively MA‐LA) and the (LA‐LV)mech/opt interval. Due to the constant SA‐LA and MA‐LA, the difference between these two values (AV delay correction interval) is a constant as well, which remains unchanged during exercise. Therefore, in selecting the rate responsive AV delay, only hemodynamic and not electrophysiologica] measurements need to be considered.

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