A Blockchain Technology-Based for University Teaching and Learning Processes

Contemporary, Indonesia is looking for an innovative solution to securing diploma certificate and transcript from forgery. Several cases had been reported due to the usage of a fake transcript. One modus of using fake transcript is to enter a higher level of education and job promotion. The new technology found called Blockchain believes in solving the problem. Characteristics of Blockchain Technology such as secured, immutable, distributed, transparent seem to be matched with transcript document requirement. Therefore, the research tries to create a process model of the university teaching and learning process. Several studies have been done; however, no detailed process shown especially for teaching and learning activities. The research question is, how are teaching, and learning activities can be supported by Blockchain Technology? Qualitative method used in this research, focus group discussion with 9 reputable universities discussed the academic operation process and the result show that it is possible to adopt Blockchain Technology into the teaching and learning process to avoid forgery of university transcript documents.