MML 알고리즘 기반의 저 복잡도 고 성능의 MIMO 심볼 검파기의 구현
This paper presents a low-complexity and high?throughput symbol detector for two-spatial-stream multiple-input multiple-output systems based on the modified maximum-likelihood symbol detection algorithm. In the proposed symbol detector, the cost function is calculated incrementally employing a multi-cycle architecture so as to eliminate the complex multiplications, and the slicing operations are performed hierarchically for a constellation by a pipelined architecture. The proposed symbol detector is implemented with 38.7K logic gates in a 0.11-μm CMOS process and its throughput is 166 Mbps for 2 × 3 16-QAM and 80Mbps for 2 × 3 64-QAM, where the operating frequency is 478 MHz.