초등학교 국어과 성취수준별 학생의 학력 특성 연구

This study aims to analyse what standards 6th graders in different academic achievement levels(AAL) achieve in Korean and to find out the hierarchy of the difficulty of the standards among students. Based on the result of NAEA test, we categorize students’ academic achievement level into 4 bands; Advanced, Proficient, Basic, Below Basic. We analysed the results of 2010 & 2011 NAEA Korean which are based on the same standards within the test framework. This framework follows the 2007 National Curriculum. Our analysis was conducted in the following procedures; 1) We detected test items students in AAL responded correctly more than 74% for multiple-choice items(MCI) & 65% for open-ended items (OEI) and to check those items in 2 years consecutively. Each item is developed using the same standards of test framework, therefore students in AAL showed proficient achievement in those items with more than 74% (or 65%) correct answer in 2 consecutive years. 2) We also reviewed “discriminating items(DI)” among those 2-yearachieved-items for more in-depth analysis. DI are items with “the property that a large percentage of students at an achievement level can respond correctly to the item whereas at the lower levels cannot” (Beaton et al., 2012:11). 3) Finally we checked correct answer rates of students in one level below for those 2-year-achieved-items in order to understand which item was difficult(or easy) to the students in one level below. Followed these procedures we found that 4 standards were achieved by Basic, 6 by Proficient, 4 by Advanced in 2 years consecutively. We checked these 4, 6, 4 items’s correct answer rate of students in one level below as well. Therefore we could determine the degree of standards’ difficulty to students. Based on these analysed results, we suggested the possible hierarchy of standards in the national curriculum and useful pieces of advice for teaching students in each academic level.