[A novel device for active shoulder rehabilitation with glenohumeral traction or compression].

The equipment available for rehabilitation of patients with joint conditions still lacks a device that, in common with usual physiotherapeutic measures (manipulation, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, Bobath therapy), is based on traction and/or compression or oscillating forms. The novel "Shoulder Rotator" is such a simple device for the variable treatment of shoulder disorders in all three spatial dimensions. After individual instruction, the patient performs rotating glenohumeral exercises with simultaneous glenohumeral joint traction, compression, or oscillations against static or dynamic resistance. The "Shoulder Rotator" is similar to the established continuous passive motion device for the shoulder and is mounted on a mobile chair. The electronic device control is computerised and permits a wide variety of treatment options, individual regimes, and documentation. The oscillating, compression/distraction mode of operation provides an analgesic effect. The isolated compression mode along the rotatory axis enables conditioning of joint proprioception. The distraction mode along the rotatory axis facilitates muscular relaxation. Resistive rotatory exercises strengthen the rotatory glenohumeral muscles and help centre the humeral head in the glenoid. In addition to the advantage of adding documentation of treatment progress as required for evidence-based medicine, this novel device may bring about a cost-effective, genuine quality improvement in shoulder rehabilitation.