Requirements and developments shaping a next generation of integral methods

A discussion is given of various "push" and "pull" factors affecting the development of a next generation of integral or panel methods for aerodynamic applications. Amongst the "push" factors to be discussed are increasing utilization and increasing requirements with respect to range of applicability, accuracy, ease and cost of application and integration with other disciplines. Improving these aspects will, in turn, increase the level of utilization, as will be made plausible. Factors "pulling" towards such improvements are being generated by developments in both "hardware" and "software". A discussion will be given of the possibilities of increased computational power as well as of recently evolved concepts for improved and extended mathematical models and more efficient, multigrid type algorithms. Finally, it is argued that, for efficient application and integration with other disciplines, the techniques of modern informatics are indispensable. A "blue-print" will be sketched of how a next-generation integral method (or any other fluid dynamics solver) could be embedded in an aerodynamic information system in a ccmputational/experimental research/design environment