Leveraging supplementary transcriptions and transliterations via re-ranking

Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion (G2P) and machine transliteration are important tasks in natural language processing. Supplemental data can often help resolve difficult ambiguities: existing transliterations of the same word can help choose among a G2P system’s candidate output transcriptions; similarly, transliterations from other languages can help choose among candidate transliterations in a given language. Transcriptions can be leveraged in this way as well. In this thesis, I investigate the problem of applying supplemental data to improve G2P and machine transliteration results. I present a unified method for leveraging related transliteration or transcription data to improve the performance of a base G2P or machine transliteration system. My approach constructs features with the supplemental data, which are then used in an SVM re-ranker. This re-ranking approach is shown to work across multiple base systems and achieves error reductions ranging from 8% to 43% over state-of-the-art base systems in cases where supplemental

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