Longitudinal stability and control derivatives of a jet fighter airplane extracted from flight test data by utilizing maximum likelihood estimation

A method of parameter extraction for stability and control derivatives of aircraft from flight test data, implementing maximum likelihood estimation, was developed and successfully applied to actual longitudinal flight test data from a modern sophisticated jet fighter. The results of this application establish the merits of the estimation technique and its computer implementation(allowing full analyst interaction with the program) as well as provide data for the validation of a portion of the differential maneuvering simulator (DMS). The results are presented for all flight test runs in tabular form and as time history comparisons between the estimated states and the actual flight test data. Comparisons between extracted and manufacturer's values for five major derivatives are presented and reveal good agreement for these principal derivatives with one exception. This particular derivative is extensively investigated by utilizing the interactive capabilities of the computer program. The results of this investigation verify the numbers extracted by maximum likelihood estimation.