Improvements in the Signal Fidelity of the Manganin Stress Gauge

The manganin stress gauge has been and still is the primary diagnostic tool for measuring longitudinal stresses in materials shocked from 10 to 400 kb in one‐dimensional (1D) uniaxial strain experiments [1]. Its simple and robust design allows this gauge to survive in harsh environments. The manganin gauge has several limitations. For example, in the eventual failure mode, the manganin gauge has a reputation of being a noise generator to the remaining functioning manganin gauges at different lagrangian positions in the experiment. The manganin gauge also demonstrates undesirable signal effects when the front edge of the incoming shock first makes contact. These two limitations and the experiments for the mediation of these effects on shock experiments will be presented in this paper. Our ultimate goal is to provide practical manganin gauging that has true fast rise time and little or no noise generation on failure in explosive detonation waves. A device was found that mitigates the noise generation withou...